Staffing Policy

• All detox cases are supervised 24 hours a day by a board-certified physician who completed subspecialty training in Addiction Medicine Fellowship in the Department of Psychiatry at Vanderbilt University Medical Center.

• Continuous 24-hour staffing occurs with one-on-one supervision by a licensed EMT, Advanced EMT, Paramedic or Nurse. 

• Abnormal vital signs and physical exam findings are reported to the physician immediately.

• Resuscitation equipment is available on location at all times during detox, along with IV hydration supplies.

• Initial assessments are performed by the physician and paramedic, EMT or nurse to determine the patient’s suitability for acute medical detox. 

• Vital signs are recorded every eight hours and each patient receives a dual diagnosis and psychiatric assessment. 

• Continuous monitoring and clinical assessments ensure safe and effective acute medical detox for each patient

Core Services:

  1. In-Office Medical Management and Psychotherapy targeted to Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Bipolar Disorder.
  2. Telemedicine Medical Management: Psychotherapy targeted to Anxiety, Depression, PTSD and Bipolar Disorder.
  3. Telemedicine Prescription refills: Physician-directed refills with designated patient pharmacy.
  4. IV Hydration Therapy. Many patients benefit from vitamin and nutraceutical therapy by the intravenous route. This is a safe and effective way to optimize the performance of the mind and body.