
Physician-Led Alcohol Detox Therapy

Our Four-Step Approach to a Healthy Alcohol Detox in Nashville TN

Alcohol Detox Therapy

For complete recovery, you will have to detoxify alcohol from your system, giving you a clear mind to focus on recovery. This is a crucial stage closely monitored by a physician.

Mental Health Evaluation

We suggest mental health therapy to every patient we treat for alcohol addiction. Therapy helps identify the underlying reasons for the addiction.

Medication-Assisted Therapy

Medications reduce withdrawal symptoms and can help prevent relapse. We carefully select medications on a case-by-case basis.

IV Hydration Therapy

IV infusions are known to promote wellness, speed up recovery, and boost energy levels. Our blend of vitamins and electrolytes hydrate the body and reduce withdrawal symptoms.

In a Luxury Hotel

Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD) affects about 15 million people in the United States and results from the inability to stop or control alcohol use. Because this is a chronic medical condition, expert assessment, and medical intervention is the first step in treatment. Nashville Addiction Recovery offers alcohol addiction intervention services and at-home rehab from our outpatient alcohol rehab and detox center in Nashville.

Recognizing the problem is vital to treating alcohol addiction and maintaining sobriety. Many find that once an assessment is complete, receiving proper alcohol therapy is the most effective way to stop using. This independence is the path to a more fulfilling and rewarding life.

Take The First Step

Our Professional Program

Addiction Treatment and Wellness Programs for Physicians, Lawyers, Business Executives, Professional Athletes, Celebrities, and Public Office Holders.

Our Alcohol Detox Programs in Nashville, TN


Our expert concierge doctors in Nashville assess the nature and extent of the substance use disorder as well as any chronic illnesses or co-existing mental health conditions.

Treatment Plan

Each treatment is developed according to an evidence-based treatment plan (EBT) for addiction. This means your care plan is based on scientific evidence and extensive academic studies that document proven success and effectiveness. The National Alliance on Mental Illness acknowledges this practice as a way to monitor your treatment and help you establish realistic goals.


Treatment focuses on the whole person. Our approach Outpatient Alcohol Rehab & Detox Center is based on the following components necessary to build the skills you need to maintain long-term sobriety, after your time in our Nashville addiction treatment center is complete.

Case Management

Following detox we may recommend:

Extended Care

This phase gives you access to alcohol treatment services that facilitate your transition into independent living while addressing physiological, psychological and spiritual concerns.


Evaluation determines how successful your acute medical alcohol detox and rehab treatment has been in helping you cease unhealthy behaviors and maintain sober living.


Our Nashville doctors will check in to monitor progress and address concerns.

What is outpatient alcohol rehab?

The primary difference between inpatient and outpatient rehab is where you live during treatment.

Some outpatient programs will have you visit a facility for treatment during the day, but live in your own accommodations for the duration of treatment.

At our alcohol detox center in Nashville TN, we know how crucial it is for you to retain some normalcy in life, so we bring comprehensive alcohol detox, rehab, and treatment to you, anywhere in the Nashville area. Our outpatient alcohol rehab program allows you to pursue recovery from the comfort of your home.

Why should I choose outpatient alcohol rehab?

Outpatient alcohol treatment allows you to overcome dangerous drinking habits while learning to recognize and avoid triggers in daily life.

Nashville Addiction Recovery offers expert medical care tailored to your specific needs.


The following questions help assess whether you or a loved one may have AUD and need to seek medical treatment from an addiction medicine specialist, or if an at-home alcohol detox and rehab program is recommended.


1:1 Physician Directed Treatment with Dr. Starner Jones, MD

Starner Jones, MD is a board-certified emergency and addiction medicine physician and founder of Nashville Addiction Recovery.

If you experience one or more of these AUD symptoms, contact Starner Jones, M.D. at Nashville Addiction Recovery to begin the path toward a healthier and happier life. However serious your problem is, most people benefit from treatment. 

Medically supervised management of recovery is critical, as sudden abstinence from excessive drinking can be life-threatening. 

Our alcohol addiction intervention services and at-home rehab programs are available in Nashville, Tennessee, and can help you on the road to recovery. 

Have Questions?

Dr. Jones will ensure you have a general understanding of alcohol addiction and the importance of seeking treatment with a board-certified physician for alcohol detox.